Bold & Sharp Sales Operations Index

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Sales operations are supposed to be the armed wing of sales organizations. From goals setting to compensation programs, from sales enablement to best practices adoption, they should be the ideal partner that helps sales organizations focus on what they are paid for : selling more and selling better.

How come sales ops are so much belittled or berated and their added value challenged by sales and by leadership?

Sometimes, it is because they precisely add no value to the sales organization.

Their work may consist in building reports; the more complex the better. Or they may alienate sales reps and sales leaders due to their excessive taste for change and innovation. … Without checking buy-in or clarifying expected impact.

Most of the time, they do things right. But they have literally no mandate to shape or influence the sales organization effectiveness and efficiency. Or they have neither the experience, nor the management support to have their say and be heard.

Sales Ops employees are here to help. They are born to help and most of them are steady relators who can be relied on to get things done. So, leveraging their team player and collaboration skills should be easy … Provided you know what to assess and to expect from your sales ops…

This Bold & Sharp Sales Operations Index will help you evaluate your sales ops effectiveness and impact. And take the appropriate actions to bridge the gap.

What’s in there?

The Bold & Sharp Sales Operations index delivers an in-depth assessment of your sales operations.

It usually takes between 2 and 3 hours to think about your current situation, review the sections, and answer the questions. You can conduct a self-evaluation or hire us to guide your through the questionnaire and actions that should be taken.

If you have already used the Bold & Sharp Sales & Marketing Index, you will know how The Sales Ops work. Some sections and questions may even sound familiar. Except that they focus specifically on what sales ops’ job and responsibilities should be.

The Bold & Sharp Sales Ops Index covers:

  • Mandate & Skills: we measure the skills, authority, and credibility of sales ops.
  • Sales force enablement: we measure the effectiveness, efficiency, and impact of sales ops on sales excellence.
  • Planning for growth: we measure the contribution of sales ops on strategic planning and organization alignment.
  • Analytics: we measure creative thinking, execution on reporting to anticipate and solve business challenges

How to get it:

A limited version is available for download here. To get the full version, contact us and type ”Sales Ops Rock” in your message.

Think. Good selling.