Sales methods

A well-calibrated sales process is a good basis for boosting sales performance. A well mastered sales methodology as well. They serve as a framework but remain generic if they are not personalized according to your prospects, their industry, your contacts and their progress in their buying journey. Define or revisit your sales plays and your game plans, adapt your tactics to maximize your chances of winning every time. Invest your time and energy where the likelihood of success is greatest and the ROI most compelling.

Targeting key accounts first requires an awareness that you can sell more to accounts with proven potential. A database and a good dose of intuition rarely do the trick. Thanks to a simple method of evaluation of the potential of purchase and the segmentation of your strategic accounts, we offer the best of the Target Account Selling approach, from in-depth qualification of your sales opportunities to strategies for winning every time.

The Challenger Sales method is rich in lessons and probably the most disruptive of the last ten years. However, it is based on two fundamentals: positioning what makes you unique and adopting a style of conversation with your customers that involves a deep expertise of their business and their role. Implementation can be daunting and requires change management skills that few organization can endure. Our approach allows you to take shortcuts…and control your sales cycle.

Solution Selling, Value Selling, complex sales, positioning the value. Whatever. In this offer, we make the best of Solution Selling. The definition of the 5 components of your sales process and your value proposition serve as a starting point for a profound transformation of your sales organization. Tools and techniques are made available to turn your sales force into a true value-delivery machine at every stage of the sales journey.

Read our articles on sales methods

Sales: everyone sees MEDDICC as ones pleases.

Sharing the Bold & Sharp Workbook On Qualification was the occasion for many exchanges. Here’s a look back at the main topics raised, which deserve some clarification, starting with MEDDIC, MEDDICC, MEDDPICT and IMCCDDE.   MEDDIC is a Qualification...

Sales: sales plays are not just for juniors!

In the world of sales, the spotlight often shines on charismatic individuals closing deals with apparent ease. These sales superstars exude confidence and an innate ability to connect with customers. They have conversations with decision-makers, while the average...

Sales: the magic formula.

The number of testimonies from Entrepreneurs on LinkedIn who complain about spending too much time with prospects who eventually stay with their current vendors or do not make any decision is massive. Surprising as it may seem, the situation is no different with our...

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