David Norton and Robert Kaplan, the authors of “The Balanced Score Card” make it clear: “you can’t manage what you can’t measure”. Their thinking questions the narrow picture of corporate reality provided by hard financial indicators. Managing your business requires a global vision of present and future performance. Designing a sales strategy, a strategic development plan or aligning sales and marketing requires more than a simple action plan driven by KPIs.
Balanced Score Card, Salesforce.com V2MOM, Google OKRs, or OGSM, a popular tool among VCs and investment funds: the framework does not matter. Vision, methods, metrics, or objectives, strategies, business plan or sales action plan, the name does not really matter either. The goal is to ensure that you don’t miss any of the key components that pinpoint your top priorities and to measure progress. However, it is important to choose the right KPIs, otherwise you may be exposed to serious challenges of productivity and time management.
The development of a strategic plan involves a reasonable choice of initiatives between those that fall within your role, your aspirations and those imposed by your hierarchy. You must choose your battles: the quality of strategic execution and operational excellence are at stake. Then come good governance and resources allocation. Last, your plan needs to get your team to buy in and to understand their personal contribution. The point is therefore to convert a vision into tangible results. By securing your employees commitment.
Together, we choose the right strategic planning approach, carefully tailored to your culture, the level of complexity of your business and the flexibility required to achieve your vision.
After building the project team, the process is simple: designing the tool, completing it, and enabling you to leverage it as a management and steering tool that drives employees’ engagement.
OKR, V2MOM, OGSM: the tool does not matter. We help you define realistic and inspiring goals to find the right balance between vision and execution.