Sales & marketing audit

Bold & Sharp performs a comprehensive audit of your sales and marketing performance.

Sales audit ?

Our clients come to us with some vague ideas of the strengths and weaknesses of their sales organization. And what they need to change to improve their sales performance. They are so busy with their day-to-day business life that they often lack the perspective to distinguish what needs to be fixed and prioritize between processes, tools or systems. They can’t figure out what needs to be diagnosed between talents and methods.

Marketing audit ?

An audit or assessment of the sales performance can’t be done in 30 minutes on the WEB. We also recommend that you turn away from the so-called best practices: they are generic by definition and have too many exceptions to apply to a particular business. A SWOT analysis? Why not. If it incorporates your competitors’ data. Marketing or sales audit? Both and much more.

Performance audit.

The Bold & Sharp index may be the best way to diagnose your performance. It covers all components: culture, strategy, execution, impact and collaboration. However, it may b that talent management, including management style, needs to be prioritized. We don’t make assumptions. We focus on sensitive issues with a tailored approach. Objective: boost your performance.


By default, we cover all the components of a comprehensive sales and marketing performance assessment: talent, tools, processes and systems.

After a performance diagnosis, we carry out a detailed analysis: the outcome is a complete report and an Executive Summary summarizing which actions to take and when to take them.



  1. Preliminary analysis: analysis and understanding of areas of improvement.
  2. Launch: agreement on the method and scope of the diagnosis
  3. Activation: evaluation and recommendations. Detailed analysis and Executive Summary.


How do you compare to other players in terms of sales and marketing performance?

From talent management to your sales and marketing performance, we measure your performance index to take corrective actions.

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