On demand project

Bold & Sharp creates a tailor made project to transform your sales organization.


The offers listed in our catalogue have been created to meet specific needs : recruitment, talent management, sales methods, strategy and execution are available on demand for a fixed fee after an audit phase. Our clients sometimes have a specific need and determined requirements. Most often, the audit phase highlights several areas of improvement that are likely to impact sales and marketing performance.


You can either let us hunt the best talents for you or improve your own hiring process with the Success Factor approach. Headhunting goes hand in hand with an in depth analysis of your key performance indicators, the assessment and the detection of your best talents. Our workshop on time management is the opportunity to question the way you leverage your sales and marketing tools, namely Hubspot. Or even to investigate the implementation of specific collaboration or information management tools.

Business transformation.

Talent management, B2B sales methods, sales processes optimization, strategy and execution; if we detect several critical needs, it’s no use trying to lock you into an offering, no matter how well packaged it may be. We switch to sales transformation mode. We take in our different offers the key components that will have the most impact on your sales performance. Objective: transform your sales organization. And measure the ROI of our collaboration.


Most of our clients don’t have a unique need and answers may be found in several or all Bold & Sharp offer pillars: talent management, sales methods, or strategy and execution.

After defining the goals, priorities and scope for your project, we deploy the services and implement the tools that transform your sales organization.


  1. Inventory: analysis of the current situation, definition of the goals and scope of the project.
  2. Transfer: specification, selection, prioritization.
  3. Activation: implementation, project management, ROI measurement.

Experts see patterns that elicit from memory things they know about situations. What distinguishes experts is that they have very good encyclopedias that are indexed, and pattern recognition is that index.

-Herbert Simon-

Can't find the answer to your needs in our offers?

We build a tailor-made project that combines talent management, sales methods, strategy and the implementation of appropriate technologies.

On demand projects: discover our offers

The best
Sales &
marketing audit