The beauty of V2MOM
The beauty of V2MOM 640 427 Boldandsharp Boldandsharp no comments
The number of toolkits and frameworks available to execute a strategy and measure progress is spectacular. There is no right or wrong. Whether you use a balanced score card, OKRs, or OGSM does not really matter as long as you keep an eye on your overarching objectives. However, the tools you leverage however may tell a lot about your culture.
When you focus on operational excellence, nobody really cares about how you ended up defining your priorities. Your assessment of the landscape and the way you came to your conclusions by leveraging Porter’s 5 forces, a SWOT or any other ways to gather input may be important to you and your peers when challenging the first version of your plan. When it comes to operational excellence the primary objectives are a) choosing the right priorities and b) progressing towards your goals.
The V2MOM, created by Salesforce founder and CEO Marc Benioff, is lean: it supports continuous improvement, and seeks to achieve goals and alignment to drive efficiency and quality. … and eliminates the crap. V2MOM starts with a Vision, a simple, concise, and inspiring statement about what you are ultimately trying to achieve.
The V2MOM helps you focus by defining the 3 to 5 Values, which are your top priorities. While prioritizing your Methods, the actions and initiatives that support your Vision and Values, list your Obstacles. They are the pains and risks you need to solve or remove to achieve success. Since addressing threats and weaknesses is likely to trigger specific actions, listing them in parallel will allow you to make tough calls, arbitrate and check consistency with your Values and Methods.
The V2MOM focuses on smart results and deadlines, not on a long list of KPIs. This is where Measures come into play. Forget about project planning. Forget about leading, leaning and lagging indicators. The point of this section of the V2MOM is to focus on what will tell you nailed it. Period. And focusing on results, not the detailed “what’s, how’s & when’s”, is a mindset that generates commitment, trust and engagement. V2MOM is driven by SMART objectives.
Vision, values, obstacles, methods, measures. The V2MOM is so easy to understand, implement, tweak and update that it permeates your whole organization. From the C-suite strategy to sales executives’ territory planning, it brings alignment and fosters a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship.
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- Strategy and execution